“We Help Health-Conscious Women Aged 40+ Transform Their Physical Health And Achieve Total Body Wellness Without Painkillers, Injections or Multiple Visits to the Doctor.”
Watch this video if you're serious about your health. It explains precisely how Custom Fit Physical Therapy helps women just like you.
Is Physical Therapy Right For Me?
To meet your specific needs and help you achieve your individual goals, please fill out this 35 second form and tell us exactly how you want us to help you. The more we know, the better we can help you get relief, get a plan, and get back to the things you love. Just click below to continue.
*Note: there is no treatment given at one of our discovery visits sessions. It’s for you to ask us more questions and for us to confirm whether or not we think we can help you.
About Custom Fit Physical Therapy

Get Back To The Life You Love With Custom Fit Physical Therapy
At Custom Fit Physical Therapy, the way we approach physical therapy is different. We’re catalysts for change; We don't just look at your painful muscles and joints in isolation or send you away with a generic sheet of exercises. Instead, we get to know you. We identify the root cause of the problem – often times where you are experiencing pain isn’t necessarily the cause of dysfunction. We will work with you to transform your physical health, create a sense of well-being, and help you return to an active lifestyle you love.
Our unique formula for healing uses manual therapy to stretch and elongate the muscles and ease your pain. And a total body wellness approach that works on your mental and emotional health too.
This combined approach improves mobility and reduces reliance on painkillers and steroid injections. But more than that, it inspires a real transformation that ripples out to revolutionize your relationships, business, and quality of life – and empowers you to become the highest version of yourself, without worrying about pain.
We work with women with ambitious health goals who commit to taking courageous action, supported by our knowledge and encouragement.
Does that sound like you?

About Martha Tassinari
Physical Therapist
Founder and Owner...
Martha graduated from Northeastern University, in Boston Massachusetts, with a BS in Physical Therapy in 1994 and later studied Craniosacral and Neurokinetic Therapy. But it wasn't until she was on the other side of the table, to heal her body following two lung cancer surgeries that she found her true calling.
For years she was paralyzed for days on end with severe headaches and shoulder pain, unable to work or move. Pain medication gave her temporary relief, but it never got to the root of the problem. With courage, grit and determination, and an excellent physical therapist, she overcame adversity to heal her body.
And this point; she decided to dedicate her life to making sure other women don't struggle in pain for years as she did.
Her mission is to empower women to discover the root cause of dysfunction and heal at all levels – body, mind, and spirit.
What Our Happy Female Clients Are Saying About Custom Fit Physical Therapy...
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